Isn't it amazing, how one tiny moment in our lives can somehow impact the rest of our life to come?
I'm talking about perhaps that one quick minute or two where you exchanged a phone number or e-mail address which lead to a series of conversations (which were great fun!). The one time you decided to have lunch with "those-girls" and ended up becoming close friends with them. The time you decided to say "yes" and agree to work with that person next to you and they ended up being the best lab partner you ever had. The time where your teacher assigned you to sit next to the two new girls in the class and you later became best friends with them in that class. The time that you just let your heart out to someone and knew just how much they cared about you. Those moments, those few minutes in our lives became some of the best minutes of our lives and some, which perhaps made us who we are today.
Then, there are those blessed moments, like the first time you prayed the Kalimah, or recited the Quran or prayed your first full Namaz. And now, MashAllah whether you remember that moment or not, it was a life-changing moment. Those few several minutes which made you the Muslim you may be today.
Good Moments, blessed moments, but also those other moments. Not the moments that made you feel good, or gave you a new friend or made you excited about somethings. I mean the moments which made you cry. Heart broken. Devasted. And the list can go on with many such adjectives. Everyone, I'm positive, has has many such moments.
That one moment, where you heard the last gasp of your great-grandfather followed by the loud cries of all the aunties surrounding the hospital. Even though you were too little to understand death, you knew it was bad, so you cried too. Then, the time you were praying your heart out for your Grand-father, to let him be okay because you knew he was sick. But then, your uncle walks past giving you a motion with his hands which meant that Daada (grand father) was not with us anymore. Another moment, when you were happily coming home from school and suddenly your mother informs you that your Dadda (grandmother) passed away earlier today. Shock Stricken. Tears at ends. State of Depression.
Life is crazy. It really is. It's great at times, when you get all happy about something and life is just too good! Then, there are those moments which leave perhaps a hole in your heart forever, or maybe just a sinking feeling. Nonetheless, those moments are too a vital part of life. As without such moments, one could not distinguish those other ones.
Each and every moment of life is very precious. Sometimes you don't realize it until several hours, days, months or even years. Sometimes never. But every moment you ever lived, are living and will live will impact you one way or another. Each moment is also special. I know I ended with quite a few depressing ones, but think about the bright side! That one really good moment which made you feel loved? Or that one time you "accidentally" overheard your parents discussing what a good person you were? The time where you realized just how much that someone really cared about you? The time where you felt that someone really trusted you? That one moment which just made your day? See, there are tons of great moments we've all had!
Each moment, that one moment, has somehow made us who we are today. Whether it's the way we talk, the way we walk, the way we speak, the way we think, the we behave or, the way we see the world.
I just realized, there are also some moments which we NEVER want to think about (i.e. the time you the most stupidest thing in class, or fell in front of everyone etc..)! haha :P And there are other many moments too, but this post is long enough!
Life is...well, it's a lot of things. And it's filled with moments. Moments we want to cherish forever, moments we never want to forget, moments we regret, moments we wish never occurred, moments which we just loved, moments we wish never ended. Moments, moments, moments! Life is full of 'em! And personally, I tend to think more about those "happy" moments more often than the "sad" ones, because life is just too short to be lived in misery. We're blessed to be alive, so might as well enjoy and make the most of the moments that we got, right? :)
P.S. Forgot to mention. The significance of that Image attached to this post. The Clock, which reads two seconds past midnight. This was a special moment as well, My sister, I believe took that picture, while telling me, "Now, you're officially sixteen". Couldn't have chosen a better picture for this post eh? :)
I don't know what to say
Is that a good thing? Or bad?
i'm not sure...
it's such a thinking type of topic :P
really good post....left me speechless
wow, another anonymous.. lol I should disable that 'cause I wanna know who the person is! LOL
Thank you very much though!! :)
Sammi: lol.. such a thinking topic, yeah, i guess so. :P
oh hufsa the anonymous was me lol
i dunno why it came out like that...i didnt bother changin...
lol okay Hajra :) thanks!
Majaz : *hugs back*
your wordz are so thoughtful and beautiful just like youarre
um.. you are?? :S
wow hufsa.. ur an awesome writer! seriously.. u really do surprise me by ur level of complexity in thought.. wow.. mind blown sister;) guess it does run in the family. AND POST SOME OF UR WRITTEN STUFF ON "The Blog"TOO AUNTIE!
*sighs* .. if only my English Teachers thought so too... :(
why, thank you very muchh! :)
and I shall post it on thr soooooooon... :P InshaAllah
thank you again!!
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